Tuesday, November 6, 2007

blog por milty

so milty face made me feel guilty tonight, hence why i think i have enough shit to talk about to create another post.

lets face facts, i don't do anything. cept look at sneakers online and download albums that have been leaked through the internet.

speaking of. . . the new jay-z is butt, BUT his video for blue magic is sick

just found this too. lil wayne 50 diss.


. . . fuck maybe i do like the album.

the new cassidy is terrible though, the only good song off of it is the first where he battles himself again, then its just an ablum to try and get money, since he lost time due to the car accident. Both of these albums were preceded with mixtapes that definitely out shine the albums. typical.
aim for the head

copped some new vans and nike blazer major taylor pack. on the look out for some footscapes, cant lie i saw rhett with some and realised that they were soo dope.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well well well......